Should You Use Your 401K Money For A Downpayment? Did you know that you can borrow money to buy a home from yourself if you have a 401k plan? Getting a 401k loan is one way to get additional money toward a down payment. It’s a lump sum of money that is already yours — not the […]
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How To Get The Best Interest Rate For You I want to help you get the very best interest rate, and there for mortgage, possible for you. Over the course of a 30 year mortgage loan, the difference between just .25% interest rate can make a HUGE difference in the amount you pay. It will […]
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Should You Or Shouldn’t You Avoid PMI? Do you worry about PMI payments since you’re not able to put 20% down on your new home? You’re not alone! Many buyers don’t have cash for a large down payment, especially first-timers or if you are buying and selling a home at the same time. Without 20% […]
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Buy AND Renovate With One 203(k) Loan Have you found a home you love, in a location that’s even better, but it needs a little TLC before you can move in? There’s a loan for that! The FHA 203(k) loan lets buyers finance the purchase price of a home, as well as renovation costs. Whether […]
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Are ARM’s A Good Mortgage Option For You? In a world post 2008 recession, ARM’s (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) seem a little scary, right? But, believe it or not, ARM’s recently made up over 11% of mortgage applications… they have changed drastically from what they were in 2008. Gone are the days of interest-only and balloon-payments […]
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Why The Interest Rate You See Online Is NOT The One You’ll Get You see and hear about interest rates advertised online on the radio, and TV. So when you call a mortgage lender, you expect to get that low interest rate that was advertised. Unfortunately, that most likely won’t happen. Ninety-nine percent of the […]
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How Your Credit Score Can Impact Your Loan Options This week you’ll learn why your credit score is one of the key factors that lenders look at to determine which mortgage products you’ll qualify for along with the interest rate they’ll offer you. Having a low credit score will limit your choices. But, there are […]
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How Much Do You Really Need For A Downpayment? How to Get the Best Mortgage Series – Week 3 Follow this series to learn how to get the best mortgage for your specific financial situation and goals. You’ll see what steps you need to take throughout this process to make it productive and successful. This week […]
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How Much Can You Really Afford Each Month? How to Get the Best Mortgage Series – Week 2 Follow this series to learn how to get the best mortgage for your specific financial situation and goals. You’ll see what steps you need to take throughout this process to make it productive and successful! It’s all […]
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What To Say When You First Contact A Lender How to Get the Best Mortgage Series – Week 1 Follow this series to learn how to get the best mortgage for your specific financial situation and goals. You’ll see what steps you need to take throughout this process to make it productive and successful! This week’s article […]
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Your home is likely your largest investment. The marketing we provide will help you make the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time. Homeownership is powerful! Your home is likely your largest investment and has a huge impact on your financial landscape.
If you are thinking of buying or selling your first home in Central Utah but aren't sure where to begin, don't hesitate to reach out! With extensive experience in residential, land, farm & ranch, commercial, multi-family and development, we are your ticket to finding success in Central Utahs Real Estate Market. Schedule a free consultation and let's get started!